Metal Detector Validations
As part of our comprehensive customer service offering, our engineers can provide certified performance metal detector validations for all makes and models of industrial metal detectors in the food, textiles and pharmaceuticals industries. The metal detector validations we provide form a vital part of companies’ traceability and ensure compliance with BRC and EFSIS standards of ‘Good Manufacturing Practice’, as well as all relevant Supermarket Codes of Practice. Validations must be carried out at least every twelve months, though many of our customers opt to have their equipment validated on a more regular basis.
To meet the stringent requirements of the validation process, our engineers will thoroughly assess the metal detector, initially ensuring there are no visible signs of excessive mechanical wear or any damage. All metal types for which the customer checks (typically Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Stainless Steel) are then passed through the metal detector aperture to ensure that suitable levels of detection are met and that test pieces are rejected accurately. Test piece sizes are determined by customer internal procedure, in line with the relevant CoP. An MDS engineer will use their own certified test pieces for this process.
A series of further tests are then carried out; Sequential, Memory (if relevant) and 20mm Ferrous. Associated Fail-safe systems are also checked and tested and any minor repairs needed will be undertaken. For certain validations, critical voltages are also checked. This is a requirement of certain major supermarkets. Any minor adjustments needed will be carried out.
A validation certificate will then be issued for each individual metal detector which has been tested. Documentation is necessary for manufacturers to trade with major supermarkets. The certification acts as proof that every piece of equipment is operating to the correct levels of detection, as set out by the relevant CoP, and the company’s own procedures. The relevant parameters are documented for future reference. If required, remedial works paperwork will also be provided upon completion of the visit with costs for this advised as soon as possible.
All of our engineers are Ceia trained and certified and are also HACCAP Level 3 trained.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements.